Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 123
Multi-Service IronWare Switching Configuration Guide
Using LLDP
Enabling LLDP SNMP notifications and Syslog messages
SNMP notifications and Syslog messages for LLDP provide data updates and general status.
When LLDP SNMP notifications are enabled, corresponding Syslog messages are enabled as well.
When LLDP SNMP notifications are enabled, the device sends traps and corresponding Syslog
messages whenever there are changes to the LLDP data received from neighboring devices.
LLDP SNMP notifications and corresponding Syslog messages are disabled by default. To enable
SNMP notifications and Syslog messages on all interfaces, enter the lldp enable snmp notifications
ports all command at the Global CONFIG level of the CLI.
Brocade(config)# lldp enable snmp notifications ports all
Syntax: [no] lldp enable snmp notifications ports all
To enable or disable SNMP notifications and Syslog messages on a specific interface, enter the lldp
enable snmp notifications ports ethernet command at the config level of the CLI.
Brocade(config)# lldp enable snmp notifications ports ethernet 4/1
Syntax: [no] lldp enable snmp notifications ports ethernet slot/port
Specifying the minimum time between SNMP traps and
Syslog messages
When SNMP notifications and Syslog messages for LLDP are enabled, the device sends no more
than one SNMP notification and Syslog message within a 5 second period. You can adjust the
amount of time between transmission of SNMP traps (lldpRemTablesChange) and Syslog
messages from five seconds up 3600 seconds.
Use the lldp snmp-notification-interval command to change the amount of time between SNMP
Brocade(config)# lldp snmp-notification-interval 5
Syntax: [no] lldp snmp-notification-interval seconds
The seconds variable specifies the notification interval with a range of 5 to 3600 seconds.
Changing the minimum time between LLDP transmissions
The LLDP transmit delay timer limits the number of LLDP frames an LLDP agent can send within a
specified time frame. The LLDP transmit delay timer prevents an LLDP agent from transmitting a
series of successive LLDP frames during a short time period, when rapid changes occur in LLDP. It
also increases the probability that multiple changes, rather than single changes, will be reported in
each LLDP frame.
When LLDP is enabled, the system automatically sets the LLDP transmit delay timer to the default
of 2 seconds. To change the LLDP transmit delay timer setting, use the lldp transmit-delay
Brocade(config)# lldp transmit-delay 2
Syntax: [no] lldp transmit-delay seconds
The seconds variable specifies the notification interval with a range of 1 to 8192 seconds.