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RSView32 User’s Guide

Examples: The Identify command

Identify Hopper1\Divider

Runs the Identify command or macro for the tag Hopper1\Divider,

whether or not the tag is in alarm.

Identify [tag]

Runs the Identify command or macro for the selected tag in the active

graphic display.


Runs the Identify command or macro for the most recent, most

severe unacknowledged alarm.



Use this command with ActiveX


objects. Use the command to:

call an object’s method

assign the value returned by a method to a tag

set an object’s property to a tag value or a constant

set a tag to the value of an object’s property

The easiest way to specify the <parameter> string for the Invoke

command is to use the Command Wizard.

The syntax for this command has four variations:

file.object.method(parameter1, parameter2, . . .) calls an object’s method


The name of the graphic display that contains the

ActiveX object


An alternative to using file. At runtime it resolves to

the graphic file that has focus.