Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

Page 623

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RSView32 commands


command will be truncated if the substituted tag values cause the
command to exceed this length.

Using dollar signs to create a placeholder in the command is an
alternative to the Parse utility available in the RSView32 Resource

. The dollar signs alternative offers better performance.

Example 1: A macro using placeholders in commands

Display Screen$Tag1$

Display $Tag3$$Tag2$

Valve23 = Open

When the macro runs, Tag1 = 1, Tag2 = 2, and Tag3 = Screen. Note
that these are all string tags.

RSView32 replaces the placeholders in the commands with the tags’
current string values. The graphic display Screen1 appears, then the
graphic display Screen2 appears, then the tag Valve23 is set to its open

You don’t need to put braces around tag names when using
placeholders in commands.