Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

Page 650

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RSView32 User’s Guide

Do not cache more than 200 displays using the [cache] parameter and/
or the Cache After Displaying option.


The name of a graphic display file without a file


Displays the specified graphic display in the


Disables the Enter key so it does not download
values in numeric input fields to the programmable
controller or server, unless the Display On-Screen
Keyboard option is selected (in the Behavior tab of
the Display Settings dialog box).


Updates tag values in all input fields when the display
first opens.


Suppresses the display of the key list.


Specifies how to load the specified graphic display
into the display cache, as follows:


Loads the specified graphic display
into the cache (but does not make it
visible), so the display appears
quickly when it is first used.


Loads the specified graphic display
into the cache (but does not make it
visible) and continually updates the
graphic display, even when it is not
visible. For example, use /ZA for a
display that contains a real-time trend,
so that the trend displays data for its
entire time range when you view it.

To remove all displays from the cache, use the
FlushCache command. To remove a particular