The rsview32 commands, listed alphabetically, Tag_name> =

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RSView32 User’s Guide


When the command is complete, click Finish.

The RSView32 commands, listed alphabetically

= (Equal)

[&] =

Writes the value resulting from an expression to a tag.


Forces the command to be executed asynchronously,

which makes the command faster.


The name of the tag that will store the result of the



A value, string, tag name, or a more complex


Enclose tag names that contain dashes or start with a

number in braces { } when you use them in an

expression. This distinguishes the characters in the

tag name from the characters in the expression.

Enclose strings in quotes. The string can contain any

character, and can include spaces.

Do not use braces for the tag name before the equal


You cannot nest braces.

You can attach security to the = (Equal) command just as you can for

any RSView32 command. For more information about security, see

Chapter 10, Adding security.

For more information about expressions, see Chapter 14, Creating
