Datalogchangerate [unit, Datalogmergetoprimary

Page 643

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RSView32 commands




DataLogChangeRate [unit]

Changes the periodic log rate. The change affects the current logging
session only, and won’t be retained if data logging is stopped and


The name of a data log model, without a file


The numeric portion of the time interval for the log
rate. For example, if you want to log data every 20
seconds, the value is 20. The value must be an integer
from 1 to 64,000.


The time unit of the log rate: hundredths, tenths,
seconds, minutes, hours, or days. If you omit the
[unit] parameter, the default is seconds.




Moves data from the secondary or backup path to the primary path or
ODBC database, for a specified model or for all models that are
currently running.


The name of a data log model without a file


Moves data for all models that are currently running.

You can use the DataLogMergeToPrimary<file> command whether
or not the specified model is running. If a model is running when you
issue the DataLogMergeToPrimary command, RSView32 switches
back to the primary path or ODBC database. If a model uses the .dbf
format, RSView32 moves all files on the secondary path (including the
current file set) to the primary path, begins a new file set on the
primary path, and continues logging to the new file set. If a model
uses the ODBC format, RSView32 merges the ODBC backup files
into the ODBC database and continues logging to the ODBC