Datalogswitchback | Page 646
Page 646

RSView32 User’s Guide
Switches data logging back to the primary dBASE IV file path or
ODBC database for the specified model or for all models. This
command switches data logging for a model only if the model is
running, RSView32 is logging data to the secondary or backup path,
and the primary path or ODBC database is available. For .dbf files,
RSView32 creates a new set of files when it switches back to the
primary path.
The name of the data log model without a file
Switches data logging for all models that meet the
conditions outlined above.
Sends a command or series of commands to an application through a
DDE channel.
The name of the server application you want to send
a command to. This is usually the name of the
application’s .exe file without the .exe extension.
The name of the subject of the communication,
preceded by the | character. Many applications that
support DDE recognize a topic named System,
which is always available.
A command or series of commands recognized by
the server application. Multiple commands must be
in one string.
If the command string contains an exclamation mark (!), enclose the
string in quotes. If the string includes quotes, use double quotes.
Before using the DDEExecute command, the server application
must be running (but it can be minimized).