Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

Page 224

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RSView32 User’s Guide

For .dbf data log files, if you used this default path as your primary
path, specify a different path for the secondary path.

Absolute Path

Click this to specify a particular path. If the path you type does not
exist, RSView32 will create it. The first time data logging runs,
RSView32 creates a subdirectory with the same name as the model
name and stores the files there.


If you choose to use a secondary or backup path, click Advanced.
Specify the parameters to use when switching between the primary
path or ODBC database and the secondary or backup path.

Maximum time to buffer data before attempting switchover


If you specify 0, RSView32 switches over immediately and no data
is buffered.

The buffer can hold up to 64 Kb of data. If the buffer fills before
the specified time and the primary path is still unavailable,
RSView32 switches to the secondary path.

If the primary path becomes available before the maximum time,
RSView32 logs the data in the buffer to the primary path and
continues to use the primary path.

Note that the amount of time RSView32 buffers the data may vary
slightly from the time you specify, depending on the log rate for
periodic models or the frequency with which tag values change for
on-event models.

How often to retry primary for automatic switchback


If you specify 0, RSView32 will not switch back automatically. The
operator must issue the DataLogSwitchBack or
DataLogMergeToPrimary command to switch logging back to the
primary path.