Naming alarm events, Using event types, How event–based alarms are logged – Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

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Configuring alarms


Naming alarm events

A name must be associated with each alarm event. The event name
can, but need not be, a tag defined in the tag database. An alarm event
name cannot be an alarm tag in the database.

Alarm event names can be up to 255 characters long. The alarm event
name can contain the following characters:

A to Z

0 to 9

underscore (_) and dash (-)

The alarm event name can be mixed case. Alarm event names
preserve upper and lower case for readability but are not case
sensitive. For example, the alarm event name HopperOverflow is the
same as hopperoverflow.

When an alarm event name starts with a number or contains a dash,
enclose the name in braces { } when you use it in an expression, for
example, {N33–0}. Also use braces when using wildcards to represent
multiple alarm events in an expression, for example, {alarm*}.

Using event types

Use the AlarmEvent command to create into–alarm and out–of–
alarm events. Multiple into–alarm events can be processed for the
same event name before an out–of–alarm event is received. Use the
InAndOutOfAlarm event type for change–of–state alarms. An out–
of–alarm event is ignored if no into-alarm events preceded it.

How event–based alarms are logged

Event–based alarms appear in the alarm log file in the order in which
the alarm transactions were logged. If you specify a time stamp for
alarm events, alarm transactions could appear out of order in the
alarm log.