Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

Page 377

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RSView32 User’s Guide

RSView32 command

If the button’s operation is Send Command,

type the command string, or click the Browse button to open the
Command Wizard. The command string must include the command
name and the parameters required for the command.


Type the name of the domain the operator and approver are

members of, or click the Browse button, and then select a domain.

Enable performer authentication

Select the check box to enable the

User Name and Password boxes for the operator in the Authentication
dialog box at run time. This means that the person who is currently
logged in to the project must verify their login identity before they can
perform the operation.

Performer group

Specify the name of the group that the performer

must be a member of. If the Performer group box is blank, the
performer does not need to belong to any group.

Enable approver authentication

Select the check box to enable the

User Name and Password boxes for the approver in the Authentication
dialog box at run time. The person who approves can be any valid user
in the specified domain or approver group.

When you click an option

here …

… the options displayed

change here.

Browse button