Getting tag values from servers, Setting up rsview32 as the client, Setting up rsview32 as the client -28 – Rockwell Automation 9301 Series RSView32 Users Guide User Manual

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RSView32 User’s Guide

Each DDE client application uses different delimiters to separate
these three fields; use the delimiters that are appropriate to your

Example: Using Microsoft Excel to read a tag value

This example describes how to use Microsoft Excel to read a tag
value. Microsoft Excel is the DDE client application. RSView32 is the
server application.

To read the value for Tag1 from an RSView32 project named Sample,
type the following in the spreadsheet cell:


Getting tag values from servers

When RSView32 requests tag values from other Windows
applications such as another RSView32 project, RSView32 is the OPC
or DDE client and the application providing the tag values is the OPC
or DDE server.

Setting up RSView32 as the client

To request tag values from a server, you must set up an OPC or DDE
node and then use that node name when creating a tag. For details
about creating an OPC node, see page 3-5. For details about creating a
DDE node, see page 3-12. For details about creating tags, see
Chapter 4, Creating tags.