L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Concepts and Base Components
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
A dynamic text list must be exported if it is needed as a language file for language
switching in a Target-Visualization. The file path is to be specified in the Visualization
Options. Like GlobalTextList a dynamic text lists also can be exported for the purpose
of external editing and re-import.
Note: In contrast to GlobalTextList at a re-import of dynamic text lists there is no
automatic check and update of the identifiers. So make sure that the identifiers get
not modified when editing the exported list.
Abb. 16
Example of a dynamic text list named 'ErrorList'
Imagine you want to configure a visualization element, which later always when an
error is detected should display the corresponding error message.
Your application is processing detected error events which are identified via numeric
IDs assigned to an integer variable ivar_err .
Provide a dynamic textlist named ' ErrorList' where the error message texts for error
IDs "0" to "4" are defined in languages 'Deutsch' and 'Englisch' and 'Default':
Example 'ErrorList'
For using the error IDs in the visualization configuration define a STRING variable, for
example strvar_err. To assign the integer value of ivar_err to strvar_err use
strvar_err now can be entered as 'Textindex' parameter in the configuration of the
'Dynamic texts' properties of a visualization element. So this element will display the
appropriate error message in online mode.