L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 222

L-force | PLC Designer
Source Control
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Working with an ENI project data base
Note the differences to PLC Designer V2.3.
Note: For a guide concerning installation and usage of the ENI Server provided by
Lenze please see the separate server documentation resp. online help. There you will
also find a quickstart guide.
Also consider the possibility of using the ENI Explorer which allows to perform data
base actions independently from the currently used data base system.
• the communication between PLC Designer and an ENI Server requires TCP/IP,
because the ENI Server uses the HTTP protocol.
• an ENI Server (ENI Server Suite) must be installed and started locally or on a remote
computer. A license is required to run it with one of the standard database drivers
which has been installed with the server. Just the driver for a local file system can
be used with a non-licensed ENI Server version.
• in the ENI Server service control tool (ENI Control) the connection to the desired
data base (see the following list item) must be configured correctly (section 'Data
base'). You will automatically be asked to do this during installation, but you can
modify the settings later in ENI Control.
• a project data base for which an ENI-supported driver is available, must be
installed. It is reasonable to do this on that computer, where also the ENI Server is
running. Alternatively a local file system can be used, for which an appropriate
driver is provided by default.
• in the data base administration possibly the user (Client) as well as the ENI Server
must be registered as valid users with access rights. Anyway this is required for the
'Visual SourceSafe' , if you use another data base system, please see the
corresponding documentation for information on the user configuration.
• for the current PLC Designer project the use of the ENI must be activated and the
connection to the ENI Server must be configured correctly; this by default is to be
done in the PLC Designer dialog 'Project' 'Source Control' 'Change Source Control...'.
• the user must log in to the ENI Server with user name and password; this is to be
done in the Login-dialog, which can be opened explicitly by the command 'Project'
'Source Control' 'Login...' resp. which will be opened automatically in case you try to
access the data base without having logged in to the ENI Server before. Notice that
in contrast to PLC Designer V2.3 the user only must log in once to the ENI Server in
order to work on several projects in the data base and has not explicitly to log in
with each project separately.