Next pane, Previous pane, Close editor – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 562: Close all editors, L-force | plc designer

L-force | PLC Designer
Menu Commands sorted by Categories
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Next Pane
Default Shortcut:
This command (category 'Window') can be used in a window with two or several panes
to get to the next pane.
Example: If in an object is opened in a ST-Editor window and the cursor is currently
placed in the declaration part, with 'Next Pane' the focus will change to the
implementation part.
See also: Previous Pane
See the description on how to customize the user interface for general information on
arranging windows and views.
Previous Pane
Default Shortcut:
This command (category 'Window') can be used in a window with two or several panes
to get to the previous pane.
Example: If in an object is opened in a ST-Editor window and the cursor is currently
placed in the implementation part, with 'Previous Pane' the focus will change to the
declaration part.
See the description on how to customize the user interface for general information on
arranging windows and views.
See also: Next Pane
Close Editor
Default Shortcut:
This command (category 'Window') closes the currently active editor window.
See the description on how to customize the user interface for general information on
arranging windows and views.
12.36.10 Close All Editors
Default Symbol:
This command (category 'Window') closes all currently opened editor windows.
See the description on how to customize the user interface for general information on
arranging windows and views.