L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

The editor is used for defining "placeholder" variables in a visualization which is
intended to get referenced in a frame in another visualization.
See Frames, References, Placeholders... for information on references and frames.
See Visualization for the preconditions and an overview on the Visualization in »PLC
Designer« V3.x.

Due to the fact that a visualization is handled as a function block, the Interface Editor
will be added as a usual declaration editor in the upper part of the visualization editor
window. There you can define input variables (VAR_INPUT), which later, when
including the visualization object in a frame element of another visualization, can be
replaced by locally used expressions. This replacement is to be done in the Visual
Element Properties dialog of the frame element. The included (instantiated)
visualizations and their input variables are listed there and can get assigned any
expressions which then can be used in the configuration of the respective instance.
If the interface of a visualization which is referenced in a frame element of another
interface, gets modified, the dialog Updating the frame parameters will be opened
when you try to save or to compile the project or to open a concerned object. In this
dialog you have to (re-)configure the interface parameters:
See in the following example, how to use this dialog:
The interface of visualization basic_visu initially only defines parameter iVisu.
basic_visu is inserted in visu2 as well as in visu3 in a frame each, whereby in visu2
parameter iVisu is assigned to project variable PLC_PRG.ivar. The project initially is
used with this configuration. Later the inteface of basic_visu gets extended by the
parameters bToggleColor, strText and bVisu:

Abb. 455 Changes in Interface Editor