L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

It is not necessary to use all parameters of a function block or program.

Note: As a restriction to the IEC standard complex expressions cannot be used, those
must be assigned to the input of the function block or program before the call

Action call:
To be done like a function block or program call. The action name is to be appended to
the instance name or program name.
Example: Call of action ResetAction (corresponding ST code: Inst.ResetAction();)

Method call:
To be done like a function call. The instance name with appended method name is to
be entered in the first column (operator).
Example: Call of method Home (corresponding ST code: Z := IHome.Home(TRUE, TRUE,

A jump is programmed by "JMP" in the first column (operator) and a label name in the
second column (operand). The label is to be defined in the target network in the label
field. Remark that the statement list preceding the unconditional jump has to end with
one of the following commands: ST, STN, S, R, CAL, RET or another JMP. This is not the
case for a conditional jump being programmed by "JMPC" in the first column (operator)
instead of "JMP". The execution of the jump depends on the value loaded.
Example: Conditional jump instruction; in case bCallRestAction is TRUE, the program
should jump to the network labeled with "Cont".