L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 659

L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
• Compile mode:
The compilation mode depends on the implementation mode.
− SMC_OutQueue: Creates SMC_OutQueue file on compile.
− SMC_CNC_REF: Creates program variables on compile.
− File: With this option a file of the programed G-code is created and with doing a
login the file is loaded to the PLC. There the application can read and execute
the path from the file with help of function blocks like SMC_NCDecoder and
others from library SM3_CNC. The G-Code files on the controller are updated by
the G-code objects from the application with every login. This implies that every
change of the files on the controller is overwritten with a new download.
• File name: If in the drop-down list of the compile mode File is selected, then you
can define here the file name, which is to use. The default name is
$ObjectName$.cnc, which represents a placeholder that will be replaced by the
object name of the CNC object (effective file name), when you login. If you change
the file name, please regard the allowed characters for file names are [a-zA-Z0-
9$_.]. The file name field must not be empty, mustn't start or end with a point and
must contain only one point and it's not allowed to put in a name with a path.
• Queue size: Default value is 100.
• Default velocity: Default value is 0. This value is used if no velocity of a path
element in the CNC program is set. Value range: [0, 1e9].
• Default acceleration: Default value is 100,000. This value is used if no acceleration
of a path element in the CNC program is set. Value range: ]0, 1e9].
• Default deceleration: Default value is 1000,000. This value is used if no
deceleration of a path element in the CNC program is set. Value range: ]0, 1e9].
• Start position: Default value is 0.
• Offline values of variables: If offline variables are defined, they can be shown and
edited by clicking the Variables button. Then the Offline values or variables dialog
opens. The same can be done by using the CNC command Set Variables.
The application-wide CNC settings are stored in the CNC settings object.
Access control
Here the user group rights can be changed.
Here the CNC object can be excluded from the build. Then no IEC data are generated
and it is possible to store the program as an ASCII or as an OutQueue file in the file
system of the controller. If you want to read it at run time, use one of the modules of
the library SM3_CNC.