L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Factory settings: It depends on the content of the device description file, if this option
is available. If so, the option is activated by default. It causes a reset of the CANopen
communication parameters of the slaves to their defaults before downloading the
configuration. It depends on the device, which parameters can be reset at all, and the
particular configuration is done by choosing a subindex from the selection list next to
the option box. For example per default via subindex 2 (1000h to 1FFFh, object 1011h)
the CANopen communication settings are addressed.
Optional device: If this option is activated (availability in dialog is target dependent),
the master only once will try to read from this node. Then the node, if not answering,
will be ignored, that is the master will return to normal operation mode.
No initialization: If this option is activated (availability in dialog is target dependent),
the master immediately will activate the node, without sending configuration SDOs.
(The SDO data nevertheless will be created and saved on the controller.)
Node Guard:
Enable Nodeguarding: If this option is activated, a message will be sent to the module
according to the Guard Time interval (milliseconds, 100 by default). If the module does
not then send a message with the given Guard COB-ID (Communication Object
Identifier), it will receive the status "timeout". As soon as the number of attempts (Life
Time Factor
, 10 by default if there are no other default settings within the device
configuration file or if this default setting equals 0) has been reached, the module will
receive the status "not OK". The status of the module will be stored at the diagnosis
address. No monitoring of the module will occur if the variables Guard Time and Life
Time Factor are not defined (0).
A module sends an emergency message, with a unique COB-ID, when an internal error
has been detected. These messages, which vary from module to module, are stored in
the diagnosis address.
Heart Beat:
The heartbeat protocol is a protocol for error detection. The heartbeat producer is
sending a cyclic message with low priority. This message gets received and evaluated
by multiple heartbeat consumers . If a consumer does not receive the heartbeat, it will
send an appropriate message.
Enable Heartbeat Generation: If this option is activated, the module will send
heartbeats according to the interval defined in Heartbeat Producer Time (ms, 10 by
default if there are no other default settings within the device configuration file or if
this default setting equals 0).