L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Open: The chosen project will be opened resp. converted and opened resp. refused to
get opened. The following cases are possible:
(1) Another project is still open
(2) Project was saved with different version of V3.x
(3) Project was not saved with V3.x
(4) Project was not terminated regularly and AutoSave was activated
(5) Project is read-only
(6) You try to open a library project out of a library repository folder
1) Another project is still opened: You will be asked whether it should be saved and
2) The project was saved with an older version of »PLC Designer« V3:
If the storage format is different because the loaded project had been stored with an
older version of »PLC Designer«, two cases are possible:
1. If the project cannot be stored with the storage format of the currently used
programming system version, you must do an update in order to be able to continue
working on this project. Do not get confused by the expression "your changes" used in
this message, at this place it means changes caused by internal actions of any
components during project loading.
Abb. 128 Message box concerning required storage format update, example
2. If the project allows to get stored in the old format, you can choose whether you
want to do this - however accepting possible data losses - or whether the storage
format should be updated, whereupon however the project will not be usable any
longer with the old version of the programming system.
Abb. 129 Message box offering storage format update, example