L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Device Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
• The Drive Configuration provides an editor to import the structure and the
configuration of the drive-hardware into the »PLC Designer« user interface.
Thereby the functions of the Drive Interface libraries will create IEC data structures
as abstract representation of the drives. Automatically, that is without any
additional effort by the IEC-programmer, the Drive Interface will communicate
with the drives and take care of the topicality of the drive data structures as well as
of the transfer of updated data.
To control the drives the IEC program can access the abstract data structures either
by use of standard modules of the SoftMotion libraries (SM3_Basic.library,
SM3_CNC.library) or by use of modules created by the IEC programmer for this
purpose. Thereby, the target values are prescribed cyclically; this means, that in
each IEC task cycle target values (for position, velocity, acceleration etc.) are
calculated once and transferred from the Drive Interface to the drives.
The possibility to "instruct" drives (for example to prescribe only a final position, so
that the drive will move on its own initiative and report its arrival) is not provided.
The reason is, that, while an instruction is executed, the central controller has no
influence on the drives. Therefore it is not possible to for example coordinate the
moving of multiple axes.
• The CAM editor is an independent plug-in of »PLC Designer« to be integrated into
the programming interface. CAMs are used to control multi-axes drives. Within the
editor a CAM can be implemented graphically or in table form. Therefrom a global
data structure instance containing the description of the object will be created
implicitly and forwarded to the application, where it can be accessed by the
appropriate POUs.
• The CNC editor is an independent plug-in of »PLC Designer«. It allows to program
multidimensional motions, which can be transferred and controlled via the drive
interface which does the communication with the drive-hardware. The editor
works abutted to the CNC language DIN66025, synchronously in a graphical and a
text editor. Beside that the table editor can be used instead of the text editor with
a similar range of function. Basically up to 9-dimensioned motions can be realized,
whereby three dimensions will be interpolated not linearly. Thus in three
dimensions lines, circles, parables, ellipses and splines can be programmed, the
other directions are interpolated just linearly. For each path, which has been
designed, »PLC Designer« automatically creates a data structure, which is available
in the IEC program.
• The library SM3_Basic.library is a basic component that has to be included in all
SoftMotion applications. It consists in the following components: