Trace editor, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Trace Editor
The Trace functionality is provided with the 'Trace Editor' plug-in. It allows to record
and read the progression of the values of variables on the PLC over a certain time. For
this purpose the values of defined trace variables are steadily written to a »PLC
Designer« buffer of a specified size and then can be viewed in the form of a graph
along a time axis.
The configuration as well as the display of the trace sampling is done in the Trace
Editor dialogs and views. Multiple variables can be traced and displayed at the same
time, if desired in different views.
In order to start trace sampling according to the current trace configuration in online
mode, you have to download the configuration to the runtime system. The graphs of
the trace variables will be displayed in the Trace Editor window and you might store
them to an external file which later can be reloaded to the editor.
Commands for accessing the configuration dialogs as well as commands for modifying
the currently displayed section of the trace curves resp. graphs are available in the
Editor window.
The readout of a trace may also be integrated within a visualization by use of the
special visual element trace.
Trace Editor
See on this page:
• Overview
• Commands and zoom functionality
• Configuration of the trace
• Trace editor in online mode
The Trace Editor, provided by the 'Trace Editor' plug-in, is used to configure and to
display "Traces". A "trace" in this context is a sampling of the values of variables, that is
the online progression of the values read from the PLC over a certain time. Additionally
a trigger can be set. If that had be done only the triggered values are recorded and
displayed. For this purpose the values are sampled in a »PLC Designer« buffer and can
be visualized in the Trace Editor window in the form of a graph in a coordinate system
of defined appearance.
If exist the additional component 'Trace Manager' in the runtime system, then the
trace configuration management and the data storage is done there. It is also possible
to access device-specific traces with help of the trace manager like the record of
current values. If there isn't available a trace manager, the functionality is
downloaded with IEC-code. Then the menu commands Online List... and Upload Trace
are not available.