L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

Page 570

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

To adjust the height of the sub-windows move the horizontal divider by keeping the
left mouse button pressed. You may also close a sub-window by a click on in its
upper left corner. Afterwards, instead of the sub-window only an attributed string
(Position, Velocity, Acceleration or Jerk) will be displayed. Reopen the sub-window by a
click on this string.
In each sub-window the horizontal axis of the coordinate system displays the range of
master values ([0,360] by default). In the position diagram the vertical axis is scaled
according to the value range prescribed in the Properties editor, whereas it is scaled
automatically according to the related value range of velocity, acceleration or jerk in
each of the corresponding diagrams.

Except for the jerk all diagrams are editable. As velocity, acceleration and jerk are
derived by derivation, a modification of position, velocity or acceleration will affect
each of the three other displayed graphs.

The default mapping of a CAM created is equipped with four points defining the three
intervals [0,120], [120,240] and [240,360]. The assigned slave positions equal the
master positions, the assigned values of velocity, acceleration and jerk equal zero
except for the second and third point which have an assigned velocity of 1. On each of
these intervals the corresponding mapping piece is of type Poly5 (that is a quintic

You can change the default mapping in the following ways:
Select the Add point tool of the toolbox to insert a further point. You can indicate its
appropriate position in the coordinate system by a click on the left mouse button
within any of the upper three diagrams. The interval containing the master value of
the new point will be separated in two parts, whereon two newly created mapping
segments (of type Poly5) will be adjusted to their start and end values.

Use the Select tool of the toolbox to modify position, velocity or acceleration assigned
to a point within the corresponding diagram while keeping the left mouse button
pressed. Alternatively you can make use of the element specific properties editor.

After its selection you may also delete a point (as long as it is not associated to the
start or end position of the master) by pressing the delete key .
• the tab entitled "CAM table": table editor for the definition of a CAM:The first five

columns of the displayed table contain attributes related to points (that is the
horizontal component X and vertical position Y of its position, its assigned velocity
V, acceleration A and jerk J). The following five attributes belong to mapping
segments (that is the Segment Type, the extreme values (min..., max...) of the slave
position and the maximal value of velocity and acceleration within the associated
interval). The first row of the table is reserved for the start position of the master
(and the related slave values), the last one for its end position. An odd number of
enclosed rows (one at least!) determine either mapping pieces or points in
alternating order.