Differences to plc designer v2.3, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Source Control
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Handling PLC Designer project objects under source control:
• The 'Source Control' commands (Get Latest Version,Check Out, Check In, Version
History, Label Version etc.) which are used for managing the project objects in the
ENI project data base, will be available in the current PLC Designer project as soon
as the connection to the data base has been activated and configured correctly.
• The current assignment ("binding") of an object to a data base location is shown in
the Object Properties,category 'Source Control', and can be modified there. An
overview on all objects locations within the data base and also the possibility of
editing is given in the 'Advanced Settings' in the 'Change Source Control...' dialog.
• The general settings for source control actions, for example whether always the
latest version of the objects should be called from the data base before a project
gets built, can be modified in the Source Control Options dialog.
Differences to PLC Designer V2.3
The Source Control via ENI is simplified in use compared to PLC Designer V2.3:
• No object categories, but "bindings" of objects to database locations:
The "Shared Object" and "Compile files" object categories do not exist any longer.
All objects quasi are "Project objects", but can be assigned to any database
locations different from the default project objects location. Objects, which should
be accessible also by other ENI database clients (recently declared as "Shared
objects"), do not have to be put any longer in one definite "common" database
folder, but one or several locations besides the default project location might be
defined for such purposes.
• Connection to the ENI Server just to be defined once:
The configuration of the database connection (ENI server) to the default project
database location is now to be done in just one dialog (in PLC Designer V2.3 it was
to be done in three different dialogs for Project objects, Shared objects and Compile
files). Just if bindings of particular project objects to other database locations are
desired, these must be defined explicitly for the respective objects. This however is
possible in one and the same dialog for all objects.
• Tree structure of project objects in database always corresponds to that in the
The project objects will always be stored in the default database location in a tree
structure which corresponds to that of the POUS and Devices view in PLC Designer.
• Authentication for database access only needed once, for the respective ENI Server:
The authentication for the database access is not any longer bound to a project or
even to object categories, but to an ENI Server. If you have logged in to the
respective ENI Server once and have activated the option for saving the credentials,
this authentication will keep effective until you use the Login dialog again, even if
PLC Designer has been re-started in the meantime. If the credentials have not been
saved, you have to log-in again after a restart of PLC Designer.