User defined data types, Defined data types, Arrays – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Programming Reference
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
User Defined Data Types
Defined Data Types
Additionally to the standard data types the user can define special data types within a
These definitions are possible via creating DUT (Data Unit Type) objects in the POUs
window resp. within the declaration part of a POU.
Please notice the given recommendations on the naming of objects in order to make it
as unique as possible.
See the following user defined data types:
• Structure
• Enumeration
• Subrange type
• Reference
• Pointer
One-, two-, and three-dimensional fields (arrays) are supported as elementary data
types. Arrays can be defined both in the declaration part of a POU and in the global
variable lists. Notice the possibility of using implicit boundary checks.
ll1, ll2, ll3 identify the lower limit of the field range; ul1, ul2 and ul3 identify the upper
limit. The range values must be integers.
Card_game: ARRAY [1..13, 1..4] OF INT;
Initializing Arrays:
Attention: In contrast to »PLC Designer« V2.3 now squared brackets must be put
around the initialization part !
Example for complete initialization of an array:
arr1 : ARRAY [1..5] OF INT := [1,2,3,4,5];
arr2 : ARRAY [1..2,3..4] OF INT := [1,3(7)]; (* short for 1,7,7,7 *)
arr3 : ARRAY [1..2,2..3,3..4] OF INT := [2(0),4(4),2,3];
(* short for 0,0,4,4,4,4,2,3 *)