L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Positive values will shift the horizontal edges downward resp. the vertical edges, to
the right.
See also: 'Absolute movemen't for shifting the whole element.
Movement topleft
number of pixels by which the left edge will be shifted
in x-direction
number of pixels by which the top edge will be shifted
in y-direction
Movement bottomright
number of pixels by which the right edge will be
shifted in x-direction
number of pixels by which the bottom edge will be
shifted in y-direction
Dynamic values (for elements with multiple position points: pPointArray, Count)
Enter a variable which is a pointer to an array of structure
VisuStructPoint. VisuStructPoint by components iX and iY
describes the x/y-coordinates of a element's point. The array
describes all points of the element and the structure can be filled
dynamically by the project.
Notice that the number of the elements points must be defined
explicitly (see below) because using a pointer here for the
dynamic points definition does not allow to control the number of
the points.
Example: pPoints : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..100] OF VisuStructPoint;
Enter variable of the type INT which defines the number of points
of the element. Example:
iCount : INT:=24;
The element is defined to have 24 particular points. This
specification is needed because the definition of the particular
points is given by a pointer (see above pPointArray) and does not
allow control on the number.
Text variables (Text Variable, Tooltip Variable)
These are dynamic definitions, see also category 'Dynamic texts' for using textlists.
For static definitions see category 'Texts'.
Text Variable
String variable defining the elements' text
R,rR,E,P,L,pL,C,F,Bu,Im Te,Sc
Tooltip Variable String variable defining the elements' tooltip text
R,rR,E,P,L,pL,C,F,Bu,Im Te,Sc