Keyboard usage in online mode, Noticing events and input actions, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Keyboard Usage in Online Mode
For operating a visualization in online mode via keyboard there are some standard
keys supported by each device. Additionally there might be device-specifically
supported keys.
Standard keys:
Select next element according to the chronological order of insertion; within a
table element each particular cell will be selected; when a frame is selected the
selection will be forwarded to the particular subelements
Shift + Tab
Select previous element; inverse direction as via Tab
Execute input action on the selected element
Arrow keys
Select nearest element in the direction given by the arrow key.
Note: For the integrated visualization the keyboard usage can be explicitly activated
and deactivated by command Activate keyboard usage. This might be useful,
because as long as the visualization keyboard operation is activated, any other
commands given via key shortcuts will not be executed.
Device-specific keyboard usage:
Besides the standard shortcuts described above it depends on the device which further
keys might be used for the visualizations running on that device. For details see the
Default Hotkeys configuration in the Visualization Manager, valid for all visualizations
below an application, resp. the Hotkeys Configuration in the Visualization Editor for a
particular visualization.
Note: There is the possibility to handle key events within the application code
Noticing events and input actions
Methods provided by the visualization libraries might be used in the application to get
notified on certain events caused by an user input:
Notice closing of edit controls
Notice key actions
Notice Closing of Edit Controls
The application can notice when an edit control is closed in an assigned visualization,
that means when a variable gets written by an user input in an edit control element.
This might be useful, if an additional action should be executed after an edit control
has been closed.
To get notified about such events, a function block instance (implementing the
interface VisuElems.IEditBoxInputHandler, provided by VisuElemBase.library) can be
attached to the global instance VisuElems.Visu_Globals.g_VisuEventManager, using
method SetEditBoxEventHandler of this instance like shown in the example below.