Find/replace, Find/replace commands, Find – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Menu Commands sorted by Categories


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


The command category 'Find/Replace' provides commands for searching the project
for certain strings.


Find/Replace commands
The 'Find/Replace' plug-in provides for command category 'Find/Replace' commands
which can be used to perform a find and/or replace action concerning strings resp.
characters in the editable places of the whole project.
By default the commands are contained in the 'Find & Replace' submenu within the
'Edit' menu. If necessary, open the Customize dialog, category Menu, to view resp.
modify the current menu configuration (notice category 'Find/Replace').
The commands:
• Find
• Replace
• Find Next
• Find Next (Selected)
• Find Previous
• Find Previous (Selected)



Default Shortcut: +
Use this command (category Find/Replace) to search the project for a certain string. All
editable places within the project objects will be searched.
The 'Find' dialog will be opened, where you define which string should be searched
according to certain rules, where it should be searched and whether it the found
locations should be displayed one after the other or all on a whole. Also you can switch
to the Replace dialog.

Abb. 120 Find dialog