14 device editors, Generic device editor, Device editors – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
Device Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Device Editors
Generic Device Editor
The Device Editor provides dialogs for the configuration of a device which is managed
in the Devices view window.
The editor can be opened via command 'Edit Object' or by a double-click on the device
object entry in the Devices window.
Notice the Device Editor Options for general settings for the editor. For example
generic dialogs might be set invisible.
By default the Device dialog can be opened by a double-click or by using command
'Edit object' when the device entry is selected in the devices tree.
The main dialog is entitled with the device name
and, depending on the
device type, can provide tabs containing the following sub-dialogs:
• Communication Settings: Configuration of the connection between programming
system and a programmable device (PLC). Not available for pure I/O-devices.
• Configuration: Display resp. configuration of the device parameters.
• Applications: Shows the applications currently running on the PLC and allows to
remove applications from there.
• Files: Configuration of a file transfer between host and PLC.
• Log: Display of the PLC log file.
• PLC settings: Configuration of: application noticed for I/O handling, I/O behaviour
in stop status, bus cycle options
• I/O Mapping: Mapping of the input and output channels of an I/O device on project
(application) variables.
• Users and Groups: User management concerning device access during runtime (not
to be mixed up with the project user management)
• Access Rights: Configuration of the access rights on runtime objects and files for
the particular user groups
• Status: Device-specific status and diagnosis messages.
• Information: General information on the device (name, provider, version etc.)
• Bus-specific configuration dialogs, for example:
- DP Profibus configuration
- Ethercat configuration
Note: The 'Communication Settings' and 'Applications' tabs concern the
communication with the PLC and are provided by the 'Device Communication Editor'