L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Breakpoint positions in ST-Editor:
The user can set a breakpoint basically at those positions in a POU at which values of
variables can change or at which the program flow branches out resp. another POU is
called. In the following descriptions "{BP}" indicates a possible breakpoint position:
Assignment: At the beginning of the line. Notice: Assignments as expressions define
no further breakpoint positions within a line.
FOR-Loop: 1. before the initialization of the counter, 2. before the test of the counter.
3. before a statement
{BP} FOR i := 12 TO {BP} x {BP} BY 1 DO
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-2]
WHILE-Loop: 1. before the test of the condition. 2. before a statement
{BP} WHILE i < 12 DO
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-1]
REPEAT-Loop: before the test of the condition.
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-1]
{BP} UNTIL i >= 12
Call of a program or a function block: At the beginning of the line.
At the end of a POU. When stepping through, this position also will be reached after a
RETURN instruction.