L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Edit Visualization Profiles
This part of the Visual Element Repository dialog allows to configure visualization
profiles. A visualization profile stores the current repository settings, that is a certain
set of elements ("Installed Elements") coming from one or multiple libraries. This set of
elements will be provided in the toolbox of the Visualization Editor when the
respective profile is used in the project. For configuring a profile choose the desired
elements from the list of generally "Available Elements" which is composed basing on
the currently installed element libraries. You can edit an existing profile or create a
new one.
Profile Selection
The Profile field contains a selection list providing the names of the currently available
visualization profiles.
If you want to edit an existing profile select its name from the list and use the
'Available Elements' dialog to fill the 'Installed Elements' list as described below. The
new configuration will be stored with the specified profile name as soon as you leave
the dialog via button Close.
If you want to create a new profile, use Add or Copy. In each case the Enter
Visualization Profile Name dialog for defining a new name will appear. Per default the
previously used profile name will be entered automatically, extended by "_0" to get
unique. If desired, enter another unique name:
Abb. 176 Dialog 'Enter Visualization Profile Name'
If you add a new profile, the list of installed elements initially will be empty, if you copy
an existing profile it will be filled with the respective elements.