L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 55

L-force | PLC Designer
Lenze Specific Functions
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
PLC program for documentation of a cycle time violation
In the logbook of the L-force controller, you can document a cycle time violation by
means of the code described below.
When you are specifying the required cycle time of a PLC project, please follow the
procedures described in the communication manuals "Control Technology CANopen"
and "Control Technology EtherCAT" (section: "Specifying the minimum cycle time of
the PLC project").
• Information about a task can be requested from the "CmplecTask" system library
by means of variables of the type "Task_Info".
• The function "L_AddLog" can be used to generate a log entry in the logbook of the
L-force controller from the PLC.
• If the measured jitter is greater than the cycle time, a task cycle has failed and a
corresponding log entry is created in the logbook of the L-force controller.
• The libraries "CmpIecTask" and "SysTypes" have been integrated in the PLC
Designer project.
• The code indicated below must be called cyclically in the task to be examined.
Example of cycle time monitoring:
tIecTaskHandle : RTS_IEC_HANDLE;
pIecTaskInfo : POINTER TO Task_Info;
tTaskInfo : Task_Info;
tIecTaskHandle := IecTaskGetCurrent( pIecTaskResult );
pIecTaskInfo := IecTaskGetInfo2( tIecTaskHandle, pIecTaskResult );
tTaskInfo := pIecTaskInfo^;
IF ABS(tTaskInfo.iJitter) > TIME_TO_DINT(tTaskInfo.tInterval) THEN
L_AddLog(eSeverity:= L_TSeverity.L_LogWarning,
eFacility:= L_TFacility.L_PLC_USER_LOG_SCOPE1,
sLogPayLoad:= 'Violation of cycle time PRG');