L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
General Editors
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
Graphical representation
In the graphic editor the outputs are represented by a small thick red bordered
rhombus on the path. A output position only can be inserted in the CNC text editor or
in the table editor.
The following sentence starts the M-function 10 and wait until this gets confirmed:
N90 M10 K100.7
The following example sets a self declared data structure g_myMParams (type:
SMC_M_PARAMETER) with help of O$var$. With a instance of function block
SMC_GetMParameters, you can get the variable values of K and the structure
N150 M13 O$g_myMParam$
A M-function allways causes a stopping of the path, i.e. the interpolator brakes on
velocity 0, outputs at wM the number or the upcoming M-functions and waits for its
confirmation in bAcknM before accelerating again.
With function block SMC_PreacknowledgeMFunction it is possible to confirm a M-
funciton ahead of schedule, i.e. the interpolator doesn't stop, but it behaves - if the
function executed in time - like the M-function doesn't exist.