Start / stop trace, Reset trigger, Cursor – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Menu Commands sorted by Categories

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29



Start / Stop Trace
Symbols: ,
This command (category Trace) toggles start and stop tracing.
If tracing currently is stopped, the symbol is shown and performing the command
means to restart the tracing, that is start to display the variables values as from the
actual time.
If tracing currently is running, the symbol is shown and performing the command
means to stop the tracing. This means the display will freeze the currently viewed
section of the graph(s).


Reset Trigger
This command (category Trace) will reset the trace display after a trigger event has
occurred or the trace has been stopped. The tracing (display) will continue with the
actual values.




As long as this option (category Trace) is activated (Default), the actual position of the
mouse-cursor in a coordinate system of the trace window will be always indicated in
the status bar. You can move the cursor by clicking in the black triangle of the cursor
and scroll it with pressed left mouse key. The same can be done by using left resp. right
arrow key
. All keyboard shortcuts listed in Shortcuts for trace. The option will
automatically be deactivated if one of the options Mouse scrolling or Mouse zooming
is activated.