L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Columns (only for Table)
The table element visualizes an array or structure variable. The index of the array
elements resp. the components of a structure are displayed in one column resp. one
row. Two-dimensional arrays or arrays of structures are displayed in multiple columns.
Here you define the look of the table columns in which the values of the particular
array elements will be displayed
For each of the columns associated to index [x] of the array or to a certain component
of the structure a separate configuration is available



column index of the table element; for example "[0]" for the single column
representing the elements of array[2..8] of INT; for example "[0]", "[1]" or
"[2]" for the three columns representing the elements of array[1..3][1..10]
of INT.


Column header

by default the header displays the name of the array together with the
index associated to the column; the header may be modified by entering a
new title here


Column width

width of the column


Text in headline

alignment of column header:


Use template

activating this checkbox a visual element of type rectangle, rounded
rectangle or circle will be inserted in each element of the table column
associated to the index (see above). The element properties list will be
extended automatically by the element properties of this visual element
that can be configured in the usual way.


Use text alignment
in headline

activating this checkbox will only take effect if also the checkbox "Use
template" is activated: If activated the settings made within the properties
for font (size) and alignment will be applied for the associated column
header as well.


Row header

checkbox to switch on or off the display of the labeling of rows (in form of
associated row indices of the array displayed)


Column header

checkbox to switch on or off the display of the labeling of columns defined
by "Column header"


Row height

height of table rows


Row header width

width of column containing the row headers


Scrollbar size

width of vertical and height of horizontal scrollbar
