Status, Information, Canopen device – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

Page 882: Non-modular and modular devices, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

For most of them the defaults can be set in the CANopen Manager dialog, the
following ones however are only available here in the Common.CANbus Configuration
Suppress 1006h: If TRUE, no object 0x1006 will be written even if Sync Generation is
activated. If FALSE or not available, object 0x1006 will be written like in previous
versions. Default: FALSE.
Default slave ratio for heartbeat time in percent (Parameter ID 275): If Enable
heartbeat generation is activated for the CANOpenManager, then this value will be
taken for calculating the default Heartbeat Consumer Time of a slave. Default: 150.
Optional Device Default (Parameter ID 276): Specifies the default value for the
Optional Device checkbox in the slave configuration dialog. Default: FALSE.
Parallel SDO Action Limit: Number of SDO actions which can be processed
simultaneously, that is the number of SDO channels of the CANopen Manager.
Concerns the SDOs used for the configuration as well as those requested by the
application. Default: 128.

This tab of the configuration editor for an CANbus device or module provides status
information (for example "Running", "Stopped") and device-specific diagnostic
messages, also on the used card and the internal bus system.

This dialog in the CANopen device or module configuration shows information on the
device resp. module which is currently selected in the devices tree. If available for the
current module, the following general information will be displayed: Name, Vendor,
Type, Version number, Categories, Order Number, Description, Image.

CANopen Device

Non-modular and modular devices
In a CANbus configuration two types of CAN devices can be inserted below the
CANopen Manager node:
A modular device allows to insert CAN modules below. It does not have a CANopen //O
Mapping dialog, because the particular sub-modules have their own mapping lists. The
CANopen Remote Device dialog of a modular device provides option 'Autoconfig PDO
Mapping' for activating an automatic mapping configuration, which is recommended
for standard applications.
A non-modular device can not get further modules below. So in contrast to modular
devices the configuration dialogs also include an I/O-Mapping dialog and there is no
option for automatic mapping configuration.