Changing cams, Cnc example 1: direct creation of the outqueue, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Changing CAMs
(See the corresponding sample project PLCopenMulti.CAM.project)
This example shows how a CAM movement with two alternating CAMs can be
realized. It has been programmed in ST and performs the same actions like shown in
example Drive Control via Virtual Time Axis. At the end of the first CAM the MC_CamIn
module sets the output bEndOfProfile, which will cause that the each the other
MC_CamTableSelect will be used and restarted together with MC_CamIn.

CNC Example 1: Direct Creation of the OutQueue
See the corresponding sample project "CNCdirect.project" basing on the configuration
file "softmotion.cfg"!

1. Creation of the NC program in the CNC-Editor:
We create an example program, which is running between x out of [0,100] and y out
of [0,100]. Additionally we define the velocities and accelerations for the path and set
two witch points on the path. E.g.:

Abb. 525 CNC program of the application CNCdirect

As compile mode we choose SMC_OutQueue.