Configuration of the meter element, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29



Configuration of the Meter element
The visual meter element can be added to a visualization by dragging it from the
toolbox. Its appearance being designed like a tachometer allows to visualize the actual
value of the associated input variable.
See in the following a sample of inserting and configuring a visual meter element:

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Example - Inserting a visual meter element and associating the input variable

The associated input variable - a variable named "xInput" in the example - has to be
specified within the element properties of the meter element; after clicking in the edit
field you will find the button

, which can be used for selecting the input variable by

browsing your project. Take care to indicate the input variable by its entire path within
the device tree.
The orientation and size of the scale display as well as shape and color of the arrow can
be adjusted within the section "Arrow" of the element properties.

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Example - Configuration within the section "Arrow" of the element properties

The number in the edit field of Arrow start/Arrow end indicate the angle (in degree)
that is included by the left/right bound of the scale display and the horizontal line. This
angle is oriented mathematically, that is counter clockwise, so that the value in the
field Arrow start must always be greater than the value of Arrow end! The pair of start
and end value is periodic with 360.
The section "Scale" is provided for defining the numeric range of the scale and
subdividing the scale by coarse and fine pitches.