Andn, Xorn, Scope operators – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

Page 1092: Global scope operator, Global variable list name, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

Programming Reference


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

This IEC Bitstring Operator is not prescribed by the standard IEC 61131-3.
not yet implemented

This IEC Bitstring Operator is not prescribed by the standard IEC 61131-3.
not yet implemented

This IEC Bitstring Operator is not prescribed by the standard IEC 61131-3.
not yet implemented

Scope Operators
In extension to the IEC operators there are several possibilities to disambiguate the
access to variables or modules if the variables or module name is used multiple times
within the scope of a project. To define the respective namespace the following scope
operators can be used:
"." (global scope operator)

Global scope Operator
Scope operator: Extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
An instance path starting with "." opens a global scope (namespace). So, if there is a
local variable with the same name "" as a global variable "." will
refer to the global variable.

Global variable list name
Scope operator: Extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
The name of a global variable list can be used as a namespace for the variables
enclosed in this list. Thus it is possible to declare variables with identical names in
different global variable lists and by preceding the variable name by "list name>." it is possible to access the desired one.
The global variables lists "globlist1" and "globlist2" each contain a variable named
"varx". In the following line" varx" out of "globlist2" is copied to "varx" in "globlist1":

globlist1.varx := globlist2.varx; (* in this codeline *)

If a variable name declared in more than one global variable lists is referenced without
the global variable list name as a preceding operator, an error message will be output.