L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
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L-force | PLC Designer
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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
The following options concern the left margin of the editor window, which is
separated by a vertical line to the editing area:
Line numbering:
Line numbers will be displayed in the declaration and in the implementation
part of the window, each starting with 1 in the first line.
Foreground color:
Color of the line numbers.
Background color:
Color of the margin background.
Highlight current line:
Color of the line number of the currently edited line.
Show bracket scope:
A bracket scope contains lines between corresponding keywords, like e.g
between IF and END_IF. You can activate this bracket scope function by
option 'Matching brackets' in category 'Text area'. If the cursor then is placed
before, after or within a corresponding keyword, the bracket scope will be
indicated by a bracket in the margin area.
Focused border color:
Color of the vertical separator line on the right side of the margin area in the
currently active part of the editor.
Unfocused border color: Color of the vertical separator line on the right side of the margin area in the
currently not active part of the editor.
Mouse actions:
Define which of the following actions should be performed when you
perform the associated type of mouse-click on the plus- resp. minus sign
before the header line of a fold:
None: No action.
Select fold: The lines of the fold area will be selected.
Toggle fold: The first level of the fold will be opened resp. closed.
Toggle fold fully: All levels of a fold will be opened resp. closed.
Types of mouse clicks: Click, Shift-Click, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click