L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual
Page 136

L-force | PLC Designer
Concepts and Base Components
DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29
• The following commands are available by default in the 'File'-menu for saving a
library project:
− Save Project As...
− Save Project And Install Into Library Repository
− Save_project_as_compiled_library (Encoding)
»PLC Designer« V2.3 libraries
• Libraries created with »PLC Designer« V2.3 (*.lib) and earlier versions, are supported
further on:
• An "old" library project (*.lib) can be opened in »PLC Designer« V3.x and thereby
directly converted to a "V3.x library" (*.library).
• If you open an old project, referencing old libraries, you can choose, whether these
references should be kept, replaced by others or removed. If they should be kept,
the respective libraries will be converted to the new format and automatically be
installed to the System Library Repository. If they do not contain the necessary
Project Information, those can be immediately added. The scheme, according to
which a particular old library has been handled once when converting an old
project, can be saved in the project options. Thus, if the same library appears again
when converting an old project, its handling must not repeatedly be defined but
will be done automatically.
External and internal libraries resp. library modules, Late linking
• An "external library" in contrast to an internal library (»PLC Designer« library
project) is a library file which has been programmed outside of »PLC Designer« in
ANSI-C/C++ . It must be available on the target system and will be linked when the
application is running there.
• In order to prepare the creation of a completely external library file, »PLC Designer«
allows to generate the appropriate C-frame and C-interface files (m4 file format)
from the respective »PLC Designer« library project. Using this functionality
guarantees the consistency of the »PLC Designer« library and its external
implementation. See the respective command 'Generate runtime system files'.
• Like in V2.3 it is also possible to define a »PLC Designer«-programmed library to be
an external library, getting linked later, that is not before the application is running
in the runtime system. In addition now it is even possible to define particular
modules of a library for this "late link". For this purpose for the respective modules
(all or just some) of the library the "late link" property can be activated (option
"External implementation" in the object properties).