Fmmu/sync, Expert process data, Process data – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


This dialog will only be provided on a tab of an EtherCAT Slave configuration editor, if
the AutoConfig mode in the master is deactivated. It shows the FMMUs and Sync
Managers of the slave as defined by the device description file. These settings may be
reworked, for example for configuring a slave-to-slave communication.

Note: These are expert settings, which usually are not necessary for standard

This table shows the Fieldbus Memory Management Units of the slave which are used
for handling the process data. Each the mapping of the logical address (GlobStartAddr)
on a physical address (Ph. Start Address) is defined. Bitwise mapping is possible. New
units can be added resp. existing ones can be edited by the Edit FMMU dialog, to be
opened via the Add...resp. Edit... button.

Sync Manager
This table shows the Synchronization Manager(s) of the slave. For each available Sync
Manager Type (Mailbox In, Mailbox Out, Inputs, Outputs) i.a. the physical Start
, the Access type, the Buffer and the physical address, where the Interrupts
have to be sent to, are defined. New Sync Managers can be added resp. the existing
ones can be edited in the dialog Edit SyncMan, which is to be opened by button Add
resp. Edit.

Expert Process Data
This dialog will only be provided on a tab of an EtherCAT Slave configuration editor, if
the Expert Settings mode for the slave is activated. It provides another and more
detailed view of the Process Data which are also displayed in the Process Data tab.
Additionally here the download of the PDO Assignment and the PDO Configuration
can be activated.

Process Data
This dialog is provided on a tab of an EtherCAT Slave configuration editor. It shows the
input and output process data of the slave as described by the device description file.
The selected inputs (to be read) and outputs (to be written) of the device will be
available in the I/O Mapping dialog as outputs and inputs for the PLC to which project
variables might be mapped.
In order to modify the current selection, you must first perform a mouse-click on the
checkbox before the currently selected data in order to cancel the selection. After that
you can set another one.