L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Location: Device repositories can be available on multiple locations on the system. The
selection list offers the currently available locations. By default with the »PLC
Designer« installation at least the "System Repository" is provided.
Installed device descriptions: The currently installed devices are listed in a tree
structure, each showing the Name, Vendor name and Version of the device. The
devices tree may be structured by categories like for example "PLCs" and
"Miscellaneous" (see above, picture of Device Repository dialog). If applicable open or
close the tree entries via the plus- and minus-"buttons".
Details...: This button opens for the currently selected device the 'Details'-dialog
showing additional information as given by the device description file: Device name,
Vendor name, Categories, Version, Order Number, Description.
Install...:Use this button to get a device installed for being available in the
programming system. The dialog 'Install Device Description' will open where you can
browse your system for the respective device description. For the standard devices the
file filter is to be set to "*.devdesc.xml". But also description files provided by the
manufacturer, like for example *.gsd-files for Profibus DP modules, *.eds- and dcf-files
for CAN devices, can be selected by setting the respective filter.
As soon as you confirm the selection with OK, the dialog will close and the new device
will be added to the devices tree in the 'Device Repository' dialog.

Note: During installation the device description files and all additional files
referenced by that description will be copied to an internal location. Altering the
original files will have no further effects on the installed devices. In order for this
changes to take effect, the devices will have to be reinstalled. It is considered good
practice to change the internal version number of a device description after it has
been changed.
Attention: The internal device repository must never be altered manually. Do not
copy files to or from there! Always use the Device Repository dialog to reinstall, add
or remove devices.

Uninstall: This command will remove, that is uninstall the currently selected device. It
will be removed from the device repository and not be available for use in the
programming system any longer.

The current list of installed devices will be offered when you are going to add a device
object via Add Device or Add Object. Device Repository...