Insert branch above, Insert branch below, Update parameters – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


12.13.31 Insert Branch above


This command (category 'FBD / LD / IL') is available for inserting another branch within
an existing one above the current cursor position.

12.13.32 Insert Branch below


This command (category 'FBD / LD / IL') is available for inserting another branch within
an existing one below the current cursor position.

12.13.33 Update parameters

Shortcut: +
This command (category 'FBD / LD / IL') can be used in FBD, LD or IL editor to update
the parameters (inputs, outputs) of a box, which is already inserted in a network, after
having changed its interface for example by adding an output.
The already defined connections of inputs and outputs remain unchanged, resp. if an
input or output gets added, this will get the "???" and can be assigned.

Abb. 119 Example, update parameters