L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

Page 820

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L-force | PLC Designer

General Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Isotropic (only for Frame)


see above


Clipping (only for Frame)


see above


References (only for Frame: References, visualizations)




The visualizations assigned to the frame by the Frame Configuration
dialog are displayed here; no input possible!



OnDialogClosed, OnMouseClick, OnMouseDown, OnMouseLeave,

OnMouseEnter, OnMouseUp, OnMouseMove, Toggle: Variable, Toggle on up if
captured, Tap: Variable, Tap False, Tap on enter if captured) - Mouse actions: Write a
Variable (edit field, numpad, keypad), Execute command (execute programs, print,
recipe handling), Change the language, Change Shown Visualization, Execute ST-Code,
Switch Framevisualization, Toggle a Variable, Open Dialog, Close Dialog, Hotkey)
Here you define what should happen if the user in online mode performs an input on
the visualization element.
You can configure a "OnDialogClosed action", "OnMouse actions" as well as toggling or
tapping of variables and a hotkey definition.
This input is given by the closing of any dialog within the visualization, which has been
opened before for user input purposes. You can assign one or several of the after-
actions described below. See there also the descriptions of the after-actions "Open
dialog" and "Close dialog", which can be used to open and close an user input dialog by
a mouse action on a visualization element.
To each of the particular "OnMouse" actions (see table below) you can assign one or
several of the after-actions. As long as no after-action is defined for a OnMouse-action
on the current element, "Configuration" appears in the respective properties field. By a
mouse-click on this field the 'Input Configuration' dialog will be opened, see below,
where an after-action can be selected. An already assigned after-action will be
displayed in the properties dialog below the respective OnMouse input entry and the
corresponding configuration dialog will open on a double-click in its value field.
Toggle, Tap:
Here you can enter boolean project variables, which should get TRUE or FALSE on a
mouse-click on the element resp. on a click + release of the mouse-button.