Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Menu Commands sorted by Categories

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29



The command category 'Help' provides functions for getting information, links and
online help on »PLC Designer«.


Help commands - Online Help
The help commands provided by the 'Online Help' plug-in belong to command
category 'Help'.
By default they are part of the 'Help' menu. If necessary, open the Customize dialog,
category Menu, to view or modify the current menu configuration.
The commands:
• Contents...
• Index...
• Search...
• Sync with Table of Contents
• About...
• Further commands might be available, indicating links on an Internet page.


Default Shortcut: ++
This command belonging to command category Help opens the Contents tree of the
online help in a separate window.
The contents is structured via books which can be opened or closed via a single mouse-
click on the plus/minus-sign. The particular pages can be displayed in a separate
window by a single mouse-click on the page entry.


Default Shortcut: ++
This command belonging to command category Help opens a dialog showing a list of
all index keywords provided by the online help in a separate window.
When you enter a string in the Look for: field the first keyword matching this string
will be selected in the list. By a double-click on list entry either the respective help page
will be opened, or - in case of multiple pages found for this keyword - a list of help
pages will be displayed in the Index Results window.