Sfc implementation object, View commands - sfc implementation object, Element properties – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Menu Commands sorted by Categories


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

If you want to fade out or in a certain type of messages in the table, use the buttons in
the upper right corner: error(s), warning(s), message(s). These buttons in each case
show the number of available messages and by a mouse-click on a button you can
toggle the display of the respective message type.
You can navigate between the messages currently shown in the table resp. jump from
a message to the position in the concerned object by using the commands 'Next
message', 'Previous message' and 'Go To Source Position' . By a double-click on a
message you also get to the source position. In order to get to the "source position" of
a Precompile message perform a mouse-click on the blue and underlined message


SFC Implementation Object

View commands - SFC Implementation Object
The 'SFC Implementation Object' plug-in provides the command SFC Element
Properties (command category 'View' ) which is used to open the Properties dialog for
the currently selected element in a SFC.
By default this command is part of the 'View' menu. If necessary open the Customize
dialog to view resp. modify the menu configuration (notice category 'View').

Element Properties
This command (category View) opens the Properties view for the currently selected SFC
element. The properties, like step or transition name, comment, step time attributes
and associated actions are displayed in a structured table. They can be edited by a
mouse-click in the values field resp. in case of the 'Init Step' property by a click on the
checkbox to activate or deactivate the option.