L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Concepts and Base Components

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


Installing of devices on the local system
Installation and uninstalling of devices can be done in the Device Repository dialog.

The installation bases on device description files in xml-format. The default
extension for a valid device description file is *.devdesc.xml. However also bus-
specific description files like *.gsd-files (Profibus), *.eds-files (CANbus, ASi) etc. can
be installed via the Device Repository dialog. The specific »PLC Designer« V2.3 PLC
configuration files *.cfg can be used if an appropriate additional info-file *.info.cfg,
describing the respective set of configuration files, is provided.

Arranging and configuring objects in the devices tree, How to do, Rules:
• To add an object use command Add Device. The device types which can be inserted

depend on the currently selected object within the device tree. For example:
modules for a DP Profibus slave cannot be inserted without having inserted an
appropriate slave device before; no applications can be inserted below non-
programmable devices. Further on only devices correctly installed on the local
system and matching the current position in the tree will be available for insertion.

Re-positioning of objects is possible via the standard commands of category

"Clipboard" (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete) or by drawing the selected object with the
mouse while the mouse-button (plus for copying) is pressed. Regard for the
Paste command: In case the object to be pasted can be inserted below or above the
currently selected entry, the Select Paste Position dialog will open where you have
to define the insert position.

• A device, already inserted in the device tree, can be replaced by another version of

the same device type or by a device of another type (device update). In doing so, a
configuration tree indented below the respective device will be maintained as far
as possible.

• Only "device" objects can be positioned on the level directly below the root node

. If you choose another object type from the 'Add Object' dialog,

like e.g. a "Text list" object, this will be added to the POUs window! If currently no
entry is selected, e.g. if you click with the mouse in the empty space of the devices
view, this equals to having selected the root node entry.

• A device will be inserted as a node in the tree. If defined in the device description

file, automatically sub-nodes might be inserted. A sub-node again might be a
programmable device.

Below a "device" object further devices might be inserted, if those are installed on

the local system and thus available in the 'Add Object' resp. 'Add Device' dialog. The
sorting of device objects within the tree from up to down: On a particular tree level
first always the programmable devices (Plc Logic) are arranged, followed by any
further devices, each sorted alphabetically.