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Page 419: Preferences, Preferences commands - frame, L-force | plc designer

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L-force | PLC Designer

Menu Commands sorted by Categories

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29


12.22.25 Connect to

This command (category Online) can be used to set up a connection to the device
which is currently selected in the device tree. As a precondition the communication
settings of the device must be configured properly.

12.22.26 Disconnect from Device

This command (category Online) can be used to disconnect from the device which is
currently connected and selected in the device tree.

12.22.27 Reset origin device

This command (category Online) is available in the context menu in offline and online
state, when a programmable device is selected in the device tree. It sets back the
device to the original ("shipping"`) state, as far as any application(s), boot project files
and remanent variables on the device will be deleted.


The commands of category 'Preferences' are available for customizing the user
interface and set various »PLC Designer« and project options.



Preferences commands - Frame
The 'Frame' plug-in provides for command category 'Preferences' commands (see
below) which serve to customize the user interface, to configure certain options for
user interface components which are provided via plug-ins also and to configure
directories which are necessary for the project.
By default these commands are part of the Tools menu, but regard that the Tools
menu itself also is configured in the Customize dialog (regard category 'Preferences').

The commands:
• Options
• Customize