Task configuration, Communication, L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Concepts and Base Components

DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29



Task Configuration
The Task Configuration defines one or several tasks for controlling the processing of
an application program.
It is an essential resource object for an application and must be inserted in the Devices
tree below an application object. A task can call an application-specific program POU,
which is only available in the device tree below the application, as well as a program
which is managed in the POUs window. In the latter case the project-globally available
program will be instantiated by the application.
A task configuration can be edited in the Task Editor, the available options being
In online mode the Task Editor provides a monitoring view giving information on
cycles, cycle times and task status.

Important notes for multitasking systems:
On some systems real preemptive multitasking is realized (e.g. »PLC Designer« SP). In
this case the following must be regarded:
Like in »PLC Designer« V2.3 all tasks share one process map. Reason: An own process
map for each task would charge the performance. So however the process map always
can only be consistent to one task. Hence the user, when creating a project, explicitly
must take care that in case of conflicts the input data will be copied to a save area, the
same problems have to be regarded for the outputs. For example, modules of the
SysSem.library could be used to solve the synchronization problems.
Also when accessing other global objects (global variables, modules), consistency
problems might occur as soon as the size of the objects exceeds the data width of the
processor (structures or arrays forming a logical unit). Also here the modules of the
SysSem.library might be used to solve the problems.


Within this chapter you will find information on the following topics:
• Configuration of a PLC
• Network topology
• Addressing and Routing
• Structure of addresses
• Data Server
• Network Variables