L-force | plc designer – Lenze PLC Designer PLC Designer (R3-1) User Manual

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L-force | PLC Designer

Device Editors


DMS 4.1 EN 03/2011 TD29

Examples for use of the instance:

EtherCAT_Master.xRestart := xRestart;

cause restart of the master

EtherCAT_Master.xStopBus := xStop;

stop communication on the bus

xFinish := EtherCAT_Master.xConfigFinished;

call the master in order to get information
on the success of the configuration
parameters download

Properties of the Master:

StartConfigWithLessDevice This property can be used to influence the start behaviour of the stack. The

EtherCAT stack normally stops as soon as for example five servo controller
are configured in the project, but only three are connected. If however
StartConfigWithLessDevice := TRUE in the first cycle, the stack nevertheless
will try to start. Thus for example it is possible to set up an universal
configuration of 10 servo controllers but to keep the actual number of
connected controllers variable. Regard that the Vendor ID and Product IP of
each particular slave will be checked anyway. If a mismatch is detected, the
start of the stack will be stopped.


This property returns the number of the actually connected slaves. If
StartConfigWithLessDevice is TRUE, then the number of real devices can be


EtherCAT messages normally are sent by the bus cycle task and additionally
by each task which is using slave outputs. In the bus cycle task all outputs
are written and all inputs are read. In the other tasks the outputs will be
transferred once more in order to get them immediately written to the
respective slaves. Thereby it is tried to minimize the dead time until writing
as far as possible. In association with distributed clocks this might result in
problems in some devices, if for example servo controllers are not
synchronized with the Syncinterrupt, but are using the point of time of
writing for internal synchronization. In this case multiple write accesses
might occur within one cycle. If EnableTaskOutputMessage is set to FALSE,
only the bus cycle task will be used. Additional tasks will not effect further
Default: TRUE.


If this property returns TRUE, the reading of the configuration has been
finished and the user may edit the settings, for example in order to add
self-defined SDOs.


This property returns a string with the latest message of the EtherCAT
Stacks. If the start has been done successfully, „All slaves done“ should be
returned. The string is the same as used for the diagnostic message shown
in the EtherCAT Master device editor in online mode

Alternatively, as far as supported by the device, the interface provided by the library
IIoDrvBusControl.library can be implemented to provide access on a EtherCAT device
from out the application.